upcoming news

IMA students present short films and docs from OWS & Occupy CUNY

Location: Ida K. Lang Recital Hall at Hunter College North (4th Floor)

Short films and docs from OWS & Occupy CUNY

On Friday, February 3rd at Hunter College, the City University Film Festival (CUFF) will present a screening and discussion of recent short documentaries – and a few more experimental clips – from Occupy Wall St. and Occupy CUNY. Some of the finest and most effective film and media from OWS thus far has come from former and current CUNY filmmakers, and we’ll be presenting a selection of some thoughtful & artfully-made short work from these independent artists and journalists of the 99%.

Films cover the development of OWS & Zuccotti Park, but the focus here will be film and media about Occupy CUNY, student and union responses to recent tuition hikes, and the crisis of public education.
A discussion with directors, shooters and Occupy CUNY organizers will follow. Introduction by CUFF Artistic Director Nick Shimkin, and Martin Lucas, MFA Program Director for Hunter’s Integrated Media Arts track.

Screening: Netherlands Media Students to Take 11-Day Program at Hunter

Sixteen students from a top-ranked university in the Netherlands will hone their skills in media arts during an 11-day program at Hunter College, sponsored by the Department of Film and Media Studies. The students will be led by John Driedonks, and Hunter graduate Brian Maston, who earned a Hunter BA in Film (2003) and now teaches as a senior lecturer in Film and Media Studies at the Hogeschool Utrecht—the Utrecht University of Applied Sciences.

The sixteen students, who will be at Hunter from February 13-24, will attend journalism and film/video production courses taught by faculty at Hunter College and the CUNY “J” School. They will produce documentary shorts or video news stories that will be screened along with student work from the Hunter College Department of Film and Media Studies.

The first screening, open to the public, will be held on Thursday, February 16, at 7 pm; the second, on Thursday, February 23, at 7 pm. Both screenings will occur in Room HN 502, North Building on the 68th Street Campus. A list of directors and screening titles will be forthcoming.

For further information, contact David Pavlosky, Program Manager at pav10023@gmail.com