upcoming news

Super 68th St. Film Festival

The Film & Media Guild presents Super 68th St. Film Festival

Thursday 24th – Lang Hall (Hunter North 4th Floor)
First Round Screening: 2-5PM
Main Ceremony: 6-9PM

MFA Thesis Show

The MFA Thesis Show is the key event & experience of the IMA Program, & this year we have a record amount of graduates (13!) showing a variety of impressive culminating work. Join us for an amazing program spanning Hunter North 5th & 4th for the evening of May 18th, & the afternoon & evening of May 19th with breaks for mingling, musing on art, toasts. As we work to increase the support, spirit, structure, & recognition the IMA deserves, your part in coming out & clapping loud for your peers & students is so important! No badges required & free snacks!


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