

IMA Faculty, Alumni and Students present @ Guggenheim Lab

Prof. Kelly Anderson and IMA Alum Fivel Rothberg present their documentary “My Brooklyn.”  This past Friday they were featured on the NY Times Local and The Huffington Post Kelly was interviewed by a cool blog – Jeremiah’s Vanishing New York.  Kelly and Fivel programmed and presented for an entire afternoon at the BMW Guggenheim Lab on Saturday

The Saturday’s evening discussion included our own Prof. Marty Lucas and fellow IMA alum Sebastian Gutierrez – who programmed the entire afternoon yesterday. 

IMA Students Sasha Wortzel and Kate Kunath will be presenting Screening: The Starlite Project: We Came to Sweat (2011, USA, 70 min.)

IMA Alum Sebastian Gutierrez
presents Documenting the other Lower East Side – Loisaida

Prof. Mercado’s book, “The Filmmaker’s Eye” translated into 5 languages

Professor Gustavo Mercado’s book, “The Filmmaker’s Eye: Learning (and
Breaking) the Rules of Cinematic Composition”
translated into 5 languages.

The Portuguese edition of “The Filmmaker’s Eye” was just announced by Focal Press / Elsevier / Editora Campus, to be available later this month in Brazil. This edition joins the French, Spanish, Polish, and Turkish editions already available throughout North & South America, Europe, and Asia. Since its publication, “The Filmmaker’s Eye” has been adopted by several respected colleges and universities, including the Illinois Institute of Art in Chicago, Emerson University, Lehigh University, the Savannah College of Art & Design, Columbia College and the University of Malta, among others. Professor Mercado is also currently writing a book on Lighting for Film and HD and Editing for Focal Press.

Click here for the Amazon link to the book

Prof. Hurbis-Cherrier publishes the 2nd edition of production textbook Voice & Vision

Professor Hurbis-Cherrier publishes the second edition of production textbook Voice & Vision.

The second edition of Prof. Hurbis-Cherrier’s film production textbook Voice & Vision: A Creative Approach to Narrative Film and DV Production was published this July. Creating the second edition of Voice & Vision involved the collaboration of many Hunter College Film & Media faculty, staff and students. Prof. Gustavo Mercado again provided the illustrations for the textbook and Prof. Ricardo Miranda created all the interactive Flash illustrations for the companion website. Former film adjuncts Ramin Bahrani and John Daschbach provided short example films which are used as case studies in the book and streamed on the companion website. Films directed by Profs. Andrew Lund and Shanti Thakur are also mentioned as examples in the book. In addition, many Film & Media students and alumni worked on creating the second edition figures and website content.

For more information and advanced reviews please go:
