Author: admin

Film & Media Alumna Natalya’s short nominated

Film & Media alumna Natalya Serebrennikova has a short nominated as one of three finalists for this week’s Reel 13. Her short, titled “Cicada”, has earned her an NBR Student Grant award and third place at CUFF this year. The winner with the most votes will be broadcast Saturday, June 19th along with two feature
films. Voting ends this Wednesday at 5PM. To vote, and for more information, go to the link.

Vote | REEL 13

IMA Students Esy Casey and Sarah Friedland’s documentary screening

Thing With No Name, a documentary by Esy Casey and Sarah Friedland, will be screening Tuesday June 1st at the Philadelphia Film Society.

June 1st. World Cafe Live, 7:30pm
3025 Walnut St

In post-apartheid South Africa, life has gotten better, but now there is a disease that has hold on a vanishing population. Sixty-three percent of the world’s population infected with HIV/AIDS lives in the country, and in Kwazulu Natal, where the rate of infection in women is twice that of men, one out of every six people is HIV-positive. This beautifully shot documentary intimately displays the humanity surrounding this astounding epidemic and proves that those suffering are more than mere statistics.