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Prof. Ricardo Miranda is on Caesura Conversations Panel at CUNY Grad Center

Events at the Center for the Humanities, CUNY Graduate Center

Caesura Conversation: Stories in Reserve
February 9, Wednesday, 2-4pm, James Gallery

If tourism is the modern realization of a human urge to be elsewhere,
how does this urge mutate when the elsewhere becomes the right here,
or vice versa? Join artists Sarah Kanouse, Ricardo Miranda Zúñiga,
Ryan Griffis, Lize Mogel, and Sarah Ross for a presentation of
travelogues from throughout North America. Moving from a series of
interviews with dentists working along the Southern perimeter of the
US-Mexico border to a walking tour examining the history and impact of
two global mega-events (Expo 86 and the 2010 Winter Olympic Games) on
Vancouver’s False Creek, the five artists will lead the audience on
tours of three distinct social and ecosystems.

more info:

Screenings & Netherlands Media Students to Take 11-Day Program at Hunter

View student work from the 11-day program.

Netherlands Media Students to Take 11-Day Program at Hunter

Sixteen students from a top-ranked university in the Netherlands will hone their skills in media arts during an 11-day program at Hunter sponsored by the Department of Film and Media Studies. They will be led by a Hunter graduate who now teaches in the Netherlands.

The 16, who will be at Hunter from February 14-February 24, are from Hogeschool Utrecht—the Utrecht University of Applied Sciences. All are students of Brian Maston, who earned a Hunter bachelor’s in Film and is now a senior lecturer in Film and Media studies, and Dutch colleague/TV producer John Driedonks. This is the second year Maston has brought a group of Hogeschool students to Hunter.

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IMA Students Megan Sperry & Daniel Phelps’ documentary film

Help make a donation to support co-producers: Megan Sperry, Daniel Phelps and Brian Paul’s documentary film project:
They have been able to produce this movie with their own money up until this point, but now they need support so they can continue to edit the film. They’ve recently launched a Kickstarter campaign with a goal to raise $10,000.00 in 45 days.

For Immediate Release:

Documentary film explores New York City’s Uniform Land Use Process (ULURP) by using the former Domino Sugar site in Brooklyn as a case study. What emerges is a divided community and a broken development process.

New York, NY – January 25th, 2011

Do you have $1 million to buy a one bedroom condo in Williamsburg Brooklyn? Do you feel threatened by the rising cost of living in your community? Are you sick of staring at stalled construction sites in your neighborhood? Three filmmakers consider New York City mega-development within the current housing market in a film called The Domino Effect.
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