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Prof. Tami Gold’s Artwork is in the NYT and Clayworks Gallery!

Living Arts: Tami Kashia Gold – New York Times
“Living Arts is a series of studio-visit interviews featuring conversations with members of South of the Navy Yard Artists who live under the fire of their own creative process right here in Fort Greene-Clinton Hill’s vibrant art scene.

In this piece, Tami Kashia Gold, a ceramic artist, documentary filmmaker and art educator from the neighborhood talks about her love for creating art and its impact on her life; it has been edited and condensed from Ms. Gold’s account, as told to Pamella R. Allen, who works for SONYA highlighting artists in this series for The Local.” click to read the article

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The Clayworks on Columbia Gallery
June 23 – July 31, 2011
ORGANIC STORIES – ceramic sculpture exhibition

IMA student Alexander Mallis’ screening

Alex will be screening his short doc Spoils: Extraordinary Harvest will be screening at DocuClub this Wednesday, June 22nd, at 7pm at DCTV. After the screening, Alex will be in attendance feedback and a Q&A.

7pm. 87 Lafayette St., NYC, $6 at the door