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IMA alum Fivel Rothberg’s documentary

IMA alum Fivel Rothberg is raising funds to continue working on his documentary “House Devil, Street Angel”

Please join Fivel on Saturday, November 12th at 6pm for a celebration and rough cut screening of House Devil, Street Angel, sponsored by Brooklyn’s own Filmwax Film Series hosted by Adam Schartoff. It takes place at The Fifth Estate bar on 506 Fifth Avenue, Brooklyn, NY.

Brief synopsis: In this autobiographical documentary, Fivel Rothberg looks at his relationships with his son and father in order to address the root causes of abusive relationships and mental illness in his life and open up possibilities for change. At first, the filmmaker tries to pin the blame for his behavior and depression on a cycle of abuse. But he comes to realize through the making of the film that reality is far more complicated. House Devil, Street Angel (formerly Internal Exposure) is an intimate film that utilizes the power of personal storytelling to engage audiences. read more on kickstarter

F&M student wins award

The WORD Senior Editor Colleen Siuzdak has been awarded a $1000 education grant by the Staten
Island Chapter of the Hunter College Alumni Association.

Prof. Tami Gold and IMA student David Pavlosky’s screening

The Life and Work of Charlotte Bunch … from idealistic young civil rights organizer, to lesbian feminist separatist to internationally recognized leader of a campaign that put women’s rights on the global human rights agenda!

Conversation with Charlotte Bunch and filmmakers following screening:

November 17, 2011 at 7pm | THE MIX FACTORY | 45 Bleeker Street @ Lafayette| New York City
Tickets & Information: David Pavlosky

A Joyce Warshow Film | Produced and Directed by Tami Gold | Co-Producer David Pavlosky