Author: admin

The Aronson Awards

The James Aronson
Undergraduate Journalism Award 2012
Call for Entries

Hunter College undergraduate journalists are invited to enter their work in the James Aronson Undergraduate Journalism contest.

The winner will receive $200 and will be recognized as part of the ceremonies for the James Aronson Award for Social Justice Journalism, a contest for professional journalists.

The award ceremony will take place at 7 PM, Wednesday, April 18 in the Lang Auditorium, Fourth Floor, Hunter North Building.
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Congrats to IMA students Flonia Telegrafi and Sarah Grille

The New York World has published an in-depth story by IMA students Flonia Telegrafi and Sarah Grile, accompanied by a video, about conditions in New York’s public housing. The work was done for last year’s Jack Newfield urban investigative reporting class taught by Alyssa Katz.