Author: admin

IMA alum Fivel Rothberg’s film screening

IMA alum Fivel Rothberg’s film House Devil, Street Angel has two upcoming screenings.

The first screening will be at the Anarchist Book Fair – He will show the film and support a discussion around parenting, masculinity, the radical community and accountability.

The second screening this month will take place at NYU in partnership with the NYU Men of Strength Club (MOST), STEPS to End Family Violence, and CONNECT NYC. Please join Fivel at the Palladium Multipurpose Room, 3rd Floor, on 140 East 14th Street in Manhattan.  The event is free, but photo ID is required to enter the building.
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Prof. Shanti Thakur’s film screening

Shanti Thakur’s film RED TULIPS, A STORY ABOUT FORGETTING (2012, fiction, S-16mm film) will screen at the Athen’s International Film + Video Film Festival April 16, 2012.

The film is about a magical world where memory only lasts a few hours.

Please see Shanti Thakur’s website for more details.

Red Tulips poster

Special Screening

Location: Hunter North Room 1527

documentary film by Marco Bertozzi
written with Noa Steimatsky

Discussion will follow with Marco Bertozzi

Refugees in Cinecitta poster

This special screening is presented in conjunction with a scholarly panel organized on April 20th at the Lang Theatre, co-sponsored by the Hunter College Departments of Art and Film and Media Studies, as part of the programming related to the current exhibition Peripheral Visions: Italian Photography in Context, 1950s–Present, at the Leubsdorf Art Gallery at Hunter College.