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IMA student Alex Mallis’ film screening

IMA student Alex Mallis has two films playing this weekend at the Independent Film Festival of Boston. The first is a short documentary, Spoils: Extraordinary Harvest, a 20 minute film about dumpster diving. More info here:

The second film, Welcome to Pine Hill, is a feature narrative/doc hybrid he worked on as the D.P. The film has won at Slamdance, Atlanta, Nashville, and Sarasota. More info on that film here:

Spoils will screen on Saturday at 2:30pm, and Pine Hill will screen on Sunday at 8pm – both at the Somerville Theatre in Cambridge.

Emerging Media Lecture: Steve Maing

Wednesday, May 9th, 7pm Hunter North 502
Film maker Steve Maing will screen his new documentary “High Tech, Low Life”, a film that will be premiered at the Tribeca Film Festival

HIGH TECH, LOW LIFE follows the journey of two of China’s first citizen reporters as they travel the country – chronicling underreported news and social issues stories. Armed with laptops, cell phones, and digital cameras they develop skills as independent one-man news stations while learning to navigate China’s evolving censorship regulations and avoiding the risk of political persecution.
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