Prof. Ricardo Miranda’s work on the subway system (fall 2024)

platform 2024 ad

Prof. Ricardo Miranda created the illustrations for the fall 2024 subway ad campaign for the School of Practical Philosophy & Meditation.  See the work posted across the subway system.

Prof. Miranda states “The design team began by considering current events and New York City realities – the protests due to the ongoing Israel-Hamas War, upcoming national elections, heightened political tensions, rising rents… And yet New Yorkers are incredibly resilient. Tourism appears to be thriving. Based on the heavy daily traffic, it appears that the city is hard at work. New building projects are everywhere and there isn’t enough housing. New immigrants are increasingly integrated into the city life… We sought to create an advertising campaign that captured the ongoing unrest while also celebrating the resilience of New Yorkers and adjacent to it all, the peace that one may achieve through philosophy and meditation.”

Car1 Fall ad 2024

Car 2 ad Fall 2024