Directed by Tami Gold and Pam Sporn
Produced by Gisely Colón López, Tami Gold, Pam Sporn
Edited by Sonia González-Martínez and Pam Sporn
Featuring music by Arturo O’Farrill and Oscar Hernández
Feb. 22 | 5PM online | Register & more info
MAKING THE IMPOSSIBLE POSSIBLE tells the story of the student led struggle to win Puerto Rican Studies at Brooklyn College, CUNY, in the late 1960’s. The documentary is a mosaic of voices, film footage and photographs taken by student activists. This important story highlights the powerful alliance Puerto Rican, African American and other progressive students and faculty forged that changed the face of higher education with the founding of one of the first Puerto Rican Studies departments in the nation.
Month: February 2021
Prof. Joe McElhaney’s book is published

Prof. Joe McElhaney’s new book Luchino Visconti and the Fabric of Cinema was published on February 2nd by Wayne State University Press as part of their Queer Screens series.
An excerpt from the book is now appearing in the latest issue of Film International. His essay “Elaine May: Dispassionate” is in the latest issue of Screening the Past.
Prof. Hurbis-Cherrier will be executive producer on Showtime TV series

Prof. Mick Hurbis-Cherrier will be executive producer, along with partners Bill Collage and Sameh Zoabi (former F&M adjunct), on the Showtime television series Dinner at the Center of the Earth. The deal recently made with Sony Pictures Television is for a ten part series based on the bestselling novel by Nathan Englander. Dinner at the Center of the Earth is a sprawling espionage drama rooted in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and set in the Middle East and Europe. TV veteran’s Alex Gansa and Howard Gordon (Homeland, 24, X-Files) are the series show runners. Read more about it on Deadline.