Year: 2019

OCD awareness week film screening and discussion

Thurs., Oct. 17, 2019 | 6-8PM
Hunter College, Lang Recital Hall 
4th Floor North Building
RSVP (click here)

OCD Movie logo and eventi image

Prof. Kelly Anderson’s film UNSTUCK: an OCD kids movie and the premiere of Jay Chieh-Chun Lee’s film Involuntary Repetition as Everyday Life (made in Prof. Michael Gitlin’s Microcultural Incidents Class). A panel discussion will follow after the screening. This will also be relevant for students interested in crafting distribution campaigns that prioritize community engagement in non-traditional settings, including robust social media engagement.

As part of OCD Awareness Week 2019, the Hunter College Department of Film and Media Studies presents:

How a Film Helped Heal, Build Community and Challenge Stereotypes

Featured Films:
UNSTUCK: an OCD kids movie
Involuntary Repetition as Everyday Life
Panel discussion with OCD experts & filmmakers 

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Film Director Bertrand Bonello event

The Hunter College Department of Film and Media Studies presents:
Film Director Bertrand Bonello in conversation with Profs. Joe McElhaney and David Gerstner
Weds., Oct. 2, 2019  | 10AM-12PM
Hemmerdinger Hall (Room 705 East Building)
*Access through the Hunter College Library – 3rd floor Hunter East Building

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