Month: August 2018

Prof. Ricardo Miranda’s work on exhibit

image of Negocio exhibitionProf. Ricardo Miranda’s work will be on exhibit until Sept. 30th. It is part of a group show titled “NEGOCIO”.

Portion of curatorial statement:
“The origin of the game, is lost in the memory of time; the game is perhaps as old as the very existence of the human being on earth. But what does the game transmit to us today apart from its playful appearance? Can art use it as a tool that reflects on challenges and social reality? Does it also work as an act of criticism? This exhibition does not pretend not to answer these questions, since it would be too ambitious, but it is formulated so that the spectator participates and, using the works of art as a guide, it investigates in the multiple planes that unfolds in games as art.”

Click to exhibition’s website for more info.

IMA student Zoya Baker wins award

Zoya holding awardIMA student Zoya Baker wins the 2018 Paper Prize at the 72nd annual UFVA conference (University Film and Video Association). Written in Prof. Reiko Tahara’s Documentary History class, Zoya’s paper examines socially engaged documentaries through the lens of Paulo Freire’s Pedagogy of the Oppressed.