There was a preview and reception held at the UnionDocs Center for Documentary Art, to celebrate the near completion of The Faithful, which was one of three films hosted by the Rockefeller Brothers Fund and UnionDocs.
Year: 2016
IMA faculty and alumni present at Visible Evidence Conference
Professors Michael Gitlin and Marty Lucas and IMA alumni Julia Haslett, Sarah Friedland, Jay Weichun and Jason Fox presented at this years Visible Evidence Documentary Scholarship Conference at Bozeman, MT.
IMA alum Bryan Urbsaitis’ screening
IMA alum Bryan Mark Urbsaitis is screening his recent feature film, Men in Heels, this Saturday (8/27) and Sunday (8/28) at 7:00pm at Spade Art Tattoo Studio in the Ho Chi Minh City/Saigon area. Q & A to follow.