Year: 2013

IMA Fall 2013 Kickoff

2:30 – Hunter North 502 – Hello and Welcome
Andrew Lund, IMA/MFA Program Director and Faculty
Gayathri Iyer, IMA/MFA Program Coordinator
Meet some IMA Program Fellows!

3:00 – Hunter North 502 – Screenings of IMA/MFA Thesis Projects

4:00 – Tour of IMA Facilities and Equipment Room Demo

Hunter North 482 – Questions and Break

5:30 – Hunter North 436/TV Studio – Presentations of Fall 2013 Classes by IMA Faculty
Meet and greet with current IMA students

Reception with wine and snacks!

“Dear Mandela” documentary

Dara Kell and Christopher Nizza (a Hunter alum!) at Hunter College April 17th to present and discuss their documentary Dear Mandela.

The event, sponsored by the Department of Film and Media Studies, the IMA Program and CinemaTalks, will take place in room 714HW from 11:10am to 1pm.

This film is breath-taking, don’t miss it!
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