Year: 2012

Prof. Shanti Thakur’s film screening

Shanti Thakur’s “Red Tulips, A Story About Forgetting” will be screening at the Los Angeles International Short Film Festival, September 6-13th.

The film will also be screening at the Mill Valley Film Festival in San Francisco, October 4 -14th.

Red Tulips, 2012, S-16mm film finished on HDCAM SR
In a magical world where memory lasts only a few hours, everyday, James
learns how recognize his wife and daughter. Liberated from the filters of memory,
this is about discovering trust and human connection in the present moment.

Prof. Kelly Anderson’s “My Brooklyn” screenings

Screenings of Kelly Anderson’s My Brooklyn:

Friday, Sept. 7th @ 6:30 pm
Architecture and Urban Design Program
Ware auditorium at Avery Hall (W. 116th St Campus)
Free and open to the public

Wednesday, Sept. 19th @ 7pm
Brooklyn Public Library (Brooklyn Collection)
Grand Army Plaza, Brooklyn
More information at:
Free and open to the public (limited to 40 attendees)

Saturday, September 22, 2012 @ 7pm
596 Acres
920 Pacific Street, Brooklyn, New York 11238

My Brooklyn tells the story of the changing of downtown Brooklyn in recent years and explains the role of city policy is determining what our neighborhoods look like.