“The Cost of Fashion” projected at Lincoln Center

IMA students Nathan Fitch, Tennesse Watson, alum Grayson Earle and FM student Jesse Reyes projected the Rana Plaza’s collapse upon one of the walls of the Lincoln Center during Fashion Week.

New York Fashion Week Poster

The Rana Plaza was a clothing factory that collapsed in Bangladesh killing thousands of workers and leaving many others injured. Protests began when stores like Walmart, JCPenney and Mango have failed to compensate the victims of the disaster.

Using the Illuminator, a mobile projector that literally illuminates issues by projecting them on the buildings of NYC, scenes of the dead and horrified were displayed on the walls of the Lincoln Center, while inside, the fashion show ensued. “What is the Cost of Fashion?” Read the project’s creator, Ismail Ferdous’s final projection before the police arrived to end the display.

To read more or follow this project, you can visit the Cost of Fashion’s website or facebook page.