Please read over the attached pamphlet for more information.

Kazarian/Measures/Ruskin & Associates Inc. is one of the country’s leading talent agencies.

With over 60 years of serving the entertainment industry, KMR has consistently been ranked by the Los Angeles Business Journal in the top 15 of all talent agencies. Facing an ever-changing entertainment landscape, KMR remains committed to the fulfillment of the ambitions and dreams of its clients with passion, integrity, and personalized attention.

Why we’re reaching out:

KMR strives to provide equitable opportunities for everyone – artists, employees, and interns alike. We are committed to providing valuable learning experiences for students from all walks of life. That said, we are making every concerted effort to curate intern candidates from diverse backgrounds for our internship program.

We recognize that Hunter College also strives for nurturing diverse groups both academically and professionally. Thus, we would like to propose a partnership that allows us to tap into your network and connect with exceptional talent.

By sharing our internship program details with your network of diverse students, we hope to attract candidates who will benefit from the hands-on experience, mentorship, and skill development that our program offers. 

What’s Next:

For your convenience, I’ve attached more in-depth information about our internship program and the initiative.

We look forward to the possibility of working closely with Hunter College students. Thank you for your time!


Dianne Fallucca

Dianne FalluccaNew York Operations Coordinator



DCA Lic. #: 1110426
World’s Tower Building

110 W. 40th St. Ste. 1101 

New York, NY 10018
212-582-7572   f:212 582-7448

KMR Talent Agency Internship Opportunity (Unpaid)