A Closer Look, Inc.(www.acloserlook.org) is a small non-profit company which produces

films that create educational outreaches promoting action and awareness on health and
social justice issues through intergenerational and interdisciplinary learning. We are
seeking an executive assistant for the company’s president Joe Lovett, a veteran
filmmaker and journalist (www.lovettproductions.com)

The job entails streamlining the redundancies that have crept up over the years, so we

are looking for an ambitious, upbeat, fastidiously organized problem-solver willing to
hone their skills in program development, fundraising, social media while tackling the
administrative needs of a small company. A candidate should be communicative and
confident in their writing and video skills. Knowledge of the Etapestry database is a plus.
The job can be full time starting at $25/hr.

Interested candidates with related work experience should submit a letter of interest

specifically addressing this job and their resumes along with three references and/or
letters of recommendation to Joseph Lovett (lovett@acloserlook.org). Applications
without references will not be considered.


Just completed: Something Terrible Happened to Joey, (www.sthtjoey,com), an animated short film on surviving childhood trauma.

Educational Outreach: Children of the Inquisition: Their Stories Can Now Be Told (www.childrenoftheinquisition.com), a feature film revealing the secrets of what happened to the people who were forced to convert or flee during the Spanish and Portuguese Inquisitions.

Job Opportunity: Exec Assistant