Dear Chairperson Anderson,

My name is Sofia and I’m the director of the Reducetarian Foundation’s fellowship program for NYC-area undergraduates. This is a one-year experience with a $7,500 stipend that we think could be an amazing fit for some of the Film & Media Studies students at Hunter.

Applications are now open, so we’d be very appreciative if you’d share this opportunity with your students! I’m including a short blurb below and am attaching a flyer—please feel free to use either or both. (Or let me know if you’d like me to share information about the program in a different format.)

If helpful, I’d be happy to do a quick virtual visit in one of your classes to tell your students a bit more about the program and answer any questions they might have. Please let me know if you’d like to schedule that! If you’d like to chat briefly just us instead, feel free to grab a spot for that on my Calendly.

Lastly, if there’s someone else who’d be a better contact for distributing these types of announcements in the future, please let me know.

Thank you so much!!

The Reducetarian Fellowship is a one-year program for exceptional New York City-area undergraduate students who are eager to create a more sustainable, healthy, and compassionate world. The fellowship includes both a curricular component as well as a summer internship with one of many exciting and impactful partner organizations. Each fellow receives a $7,500 stipend and one-on-one mentorship throughout the year. Applications close March 31!

Sofia Davis-Fogel | Fellowship Director

917.923.1124 |

Fellowship opportunity for Hunter undergraduates