Company Name: Langalo Inc.
Location: 61 Broadway, Suite 2515, New York NY, 10006

Internship Description:

Langalo is seeking an intern to assist with our marketing efforts and customer relationship management. We are a translation agency located in the financial district. We provide certified translations for legal, medical and educational purposes, as well as website translations. Langalo also provides evaluations of foreign academic credentials, as well as court and medical interpretation services. Our current clients include universities/colleges, law firms, governmental agencies, and other for profit and non-profit organizations.

We are looking to expand our client base and are seeking a bright, motivated intern to assist with this endeavor.

Preferred Majors:
Marketing and Communication, Corporate Communication, Advertising, Media Studies, and related fields.

Job Duties:

  • Conduct research to find prospective clients
  • Contact potential clients to inform them about Langalo’s services
  • Arrange meetings with potential clients
  • Expand Langalo’s social media presence


  • Must possess good communication and writing skills
  • Currently enrolled in a degree program
  • Must be a US citizen, resident or in F1 visa status
  • Minimum GPA of 2.0

Hours per week: 10-20 hours per week

Please send responses, along with a copy of your resume, to: [email Professor Herman for contact info]

Email Subject Line: Marketing Internship Opportunity

Marketing Internship, Langalo Inc